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Contact Us

At Pershing, we are personally invested in our clients' success. Get in touch to learn how our team can help you transform your business. Information submitted through this form is completely confidential.

Business Development

If you are a firm interested in working with Pershing, please call


Please visit our information page for investors. If you an individual who needs an account balance verification, please call 201-413-3333. For all other questions, please contact your financial advisor.

Our Office Locations

Visibility is important to us. Below is global headquarters location
along with a list of our global locations.

Worldwide Headquarters

One Pershing Plaza
Jersey City, NJ, 07399

Global Locations

With a dedicated business presence on six continents and in 35 countries, BNY Mellon delivers global scale at the local level.

Looking for a new opportunity with an

exceptional team?