Sweep Money Market Mutual Fund & Bank Deposit Sweep Product Rates & Bank Lists
BNY Pershing Base Lending Rate - USD | Current Yield: 10.375%
Last Compile Date: 02/26/2025
Manager | Fund | 7-Day Yield | Initial Minimum Investment | External CUSIP | Ticker Symbol |
DREYFUS | DREYFUS GOVT CASH MNGT SERV SH | 3.43% | $ 0.01 | 262006836 | DGUXX |
DREYFUS | DREYFUS GOVT CASH MNGT WEALTH | 3.98% | $ 100,000.00 | 262006844 | DGQXX |
DREYFUS | DREYFUS GOVT CASH MT ADMIN SH | 4.13% | $ 500,000.00 | 262006406 | DAGXX |
DREYFUS | DREYFUS GOVT CASH MNGT INV SH | 3.98% | $ 100,000.00 | 262006307 | DGVXX |
DREYFUS | DREYFUS GOVT SEC CASH MGT ADMN | 4.08% | $ 500,000.00 | 262006802 | DAPXX |
DREYFUS | DREYFUS GOVT SEC CSH MGT INV | 3.93% | $ 100,000.00 | 262006703 | DVPXX |
DREYFUS | DREYFUS TREAS OBLIG CM ADMIN | 4.12% | $ 500,000.00 | 261908305 | DTAXX |
DREYFUS | DREYFUS TREAS OBLIG CM INVEST | 3.98% | $ 100,000.00 | 261908206 | DTVXX |
DREYFUS | DREYFUS TREAS OBLIG CM SERVICE | 3.43% | $ 0.01 | 261908875 | DTNXX |
DREYFUS | DREYFUS TREAS OBLIG CM WEALTH | 3.98% | $ 100,000.00 | 261908883 | DTKXX |
DREYFUS | DREYFUS TREAS SEC CSH ADM SHS | 4.12% | $ 500,000.00 | 261941306 | DARXX |
DREYFUS | DREYFUS TRES SEC CSH MGMT INV | 3.97% | $ 100,000.00 | 261941207 | DVRXX |
DREYFUS | DREYFUS TREAS SEC CM SERVICE | 3.42% | $ 0.01 | 261941702 | DTHXX |
DREYFUS | DREYFUS TREAS SEC CM WEALTH SH | 3.95% | $ 100,000.00 | 261941603 | DTJXX |
DREYFUS | DREYFUS MNY MKT FUND SERVICE | 3.52% | $ 0.01 | 370375206 | GMBXX |
DREYFUS | PERSHING GOVT CASH MANAGEMENT | 3.43% | $ 0.01 | 262006836 | DGUXX |
DREYFUS | PERSHING PRIME MONEY MARKET | 3.52% | $ 0.01 | 370375206 | GMBXX |
DREYFUS | PERSHING TREASURY SECURITIES | 3.42% | $ 0.01 | 261941702 | DTHXX |
BLACKROCK | BLACKROCK LIQ FEDFUND ADMIN | 4.14% | $ 500,000.00 | 09248U445 | BLFXX |
BLACKROCK | BLACKROCK LIQ FEDFUND DOLLAR | 3.99% | $ 100,000.00 | 09248U809 | TDDXX |
BLACKROCK | BLACKROCK LIQ FEDFUND SELECT | 3.41% | $ 500.00 | 09248U494 | BFBXX |
BLACKROCK | BLACKROCK LIQ FED TRUST ADMIN | 4.10% | $ 500,000.00 | 09248U411 | BFTXX |
BLACKROCK | BLACKROCK LIQ FED TRUST DOLLAR | 3.95% | $ 100,000.00 | 09248U866 | TSDXX |
BLACKROCK | BLACKROCK LIQ T-FUND ADMIN | 4.13% | $ 500,000.00 | 09248U676 | BTAXX |
BLACKROCK | BLACKROCK LIQ T-FUND DOLLAR | 3.98% | $ 100,000.00 | 09248U692 | TFEXX |
BLACKROCK | BLACKROCK LIQ T-FUND SELECT | 3.40% | $ 500.00 | 09250C812 | BSLXX |
BLACKROCK | BLACKROCK LIQ TREAS TRST ADMIN | 4.12% | $ 500,000.00 | 09248U452 | BITXX |
BLACKROCK | BLACKROCK LIQ TREAS TRST DOLLR | 3.98% | $ 100,000.00 | 09248U544 | TTDXX |
BLACKROCK | BLACKROCK LIQ TREAS TRST SELCT | 3.39% | $ 500.00 | 09250C770 | TSLXX |
FEDERATED | FEDERATED HERMES CA MUNI CAP | 2.37% | $ 500,000.00 | 608919502 | CCCXX |
FEDERATED | FEDERATED HERMES CA MUNI CS | 1.72% | $ 0.01 | 608919403 | CCSXX |
FEDERATED | FEDERATED HERMES CAP RESERVES | 3.57% | $ 0.01 | 608919304 | FRFXX |
FEDERATED | FEDERATED HERMES MUNI OBLIG CS | 1.99% | $ 0.01 | 608919650 | MFSXX |
FEDERATED | FEDERATED HERMES NY MUNI CS | 1.86% | $ 0.01 | 608919866 | FNCXX |
FEDERATED | FEDERATED HERMES GOVT OBL CAP | 4.11% | $ 500,000.00 | 608919809 | GOCXX |
FEDERATED | FEDERATED HERMES GOVT OBLIG SS | 4.00% | $ 100,000.00 | 60934N807 | GOSXX |
FEDERATED | FEDERATED HERMES GOV TAX MG SS | 3.94% | $ 100,000.00 | 60934N849 | GTSXX |
FEDERATED | FEDERATED HERMES MUNI OBL CAP | 2.70% | $ 500,000.00 | 60934N633 | MFCXX |
FEDERATED | FEDERATED HERMES MUNI OBLIG SS | 2.55% | $ 100,000.00 | 60934N641 | MOSXX |
FEDERATED | FEDERATED HERMES NY MUNI WS | 2.56% | $ 500,000.00 | 608919858 | NISXX |
FEDERATED | FEDERATED HERMES PRIME CSH CAP | 4.24% | $ 500,000.00 | 60934N591 | PCCXX |
FEDERATED | FEDERATED HERMES PRIME CASH SS | 4.09% | $ 100,000.00 | 60934N617 | PRCXX |
FEDERATED | PERSHING GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT | 3.40% | $ 0.01 | 608919205 | GRFXX |
FEDERATED | PERSHING PRIME RESERVES | 3.57% | $ 0.01 | 608919304 | FRFXX |
FEDERATED | FEDERATED HERMES TAX-FREE SS | 2.37% | $ 100,000.00 | 60934N880 | TBSXX |
FEDERATED | FEDERATED HERMES TREAS OBL CAP | 4.11% | $ 500,000.00 | 60934N823 | TOCXX |
FEDERATED | FEDERATED HERMES TREASRY OB SS | 3.99% | $ 100,000.00 | 60934N872 | TOSXX |
FEDERATED | FEDERATED HERMES TR US TRSY CS | 3.37% | $ 0.01 | 608919569 | TCSXX |
FEDERATED | FEDERATED HERMES US TREASRY SS | 3.95% | $ 100,000.00 | 60934N674 | TISXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS FS FED FND ADMIN | 3.96% | $ 100,000.00 | 38148U684 | FIOXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS FS FED FUND CMS | 3.41% | $ 500.00 | 38148U668 | FIWXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS FS FED FUND PREF | 4.11% | $ 500,000.00 | 38148U650 | FIHXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS FSQ TREAS ADMIN | 3.96% | $ 100,000.00 | 38142B872 | FVAXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS FSQ TREASURY CM | 3.41% | $ 500.00 | 38145C752 | GFCXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS FSQ TREASRY PRFD | 4.11% | $ 500,000.00 | 38142B856 | GPFXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS FSQ GOVT ADMIN | 4.02% | $ 1,000,000.00 | 38141W265 | FOAXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS FSQ GOVT CMS | 3.47% | $ 500.00 | 38145C828 | GVCXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS FSQ GOVT PRFRD | 4.17% | $ 500,000.00 | 38141W240 | GPGXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS INV MMKT ADMIN | 4.12% | $ 100,000.00 | 38148U569 | FMKXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS INV MMKT CMS | 3.57% | $ 500.00 | 38148U320 | FHMXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS INV TAX EX ADMIN | 2.62% | $ 100,000.00 | 38141W174 | FEAXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS INV TX EX CMS | 1.36% | $ 500.00 | 38145C687 | GXCXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS INV TX EX PRFRD | 2.77% | $ 500,000.00 | 38141W158 | GPTXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS FSQ TR INS ADMIN | 3.97% | $ 100,000.00 | 38142B609 | FRAXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS FSQ TR INS CMS | 3.42% | $ 500.00 | 38145C729 | GICXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS FSQ TR INS PRFRD | 4.12% | $ 500,000.00 | 38142B807 | GPIXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS FSQ TR OBL ADMIN | 3.99% | $ 1,000,000.00 | 38141W315 | FGAXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS FSQ TR OBL CMS | 3.44% | $ 500.00 | 38145C786 | GTOXX |
GOLDMAN SACH | GOLDMAN SACHS FSQ TR OBL PRFRD | 4.14% | $ 500,000.00 | 38141W281 | GPOXX |
INVESCO | INVESCO ST GOVT & AGENCY RSRCE | 4.13% | $ 500,000.00 | 825252869 | |
INVESCO | INVESCO ST GOVT & AGENCY RSRV | 3.42% | $ 0.01 | 825252851 | |
INVESCO | INVESCO ST GOVT & AGENCY PRVT | 3.99% | $ 100,000.00 | 825252877 | GPVXX |
INVESCO | INVESCO ST TREAS OBLIG RESOURC | 4.02% | $ 500,000.00 | 825252810 | |
INVESCO | INVESCO ST TREAS OBLIG RESERVE | 3.31% | $ 0.01 | 825252786 | |
INVESCO | INVESCO ST TREASURY RESOURCE | 4.09% | $ 500,000.00 | 825252703 | |
INVESCO | INVESCO ST TREASURY RESERVE | 3.38% | $ 0.01 | 825252836 | |
INVESCO | INVESCO ST TREASURY PRIVATE | 3.95% | $ 100,000.00 | 825252109 | TPFXX |
Manager | Bank Program | Interest Rate | Initial Minimum Investment |
Money Fund Providers
FDIC-Insured Deposits Program Providers
- Liquid Insured Deposits - List of banks that participate in the FDIC bank deposit sweep product [PDF]
- Dreyfus Insured Deposits - List of banks that participate in the FDIC bank deposit sweep product [PDF]
- Interlink Insured Deposits- List of banks that participate in the FDIC eligible bank deposit sweep product [PDF]
- Insured Deposit Program- List of banks that participate in the FDIC eligible bank deposit sweep product [PDF]
*The bank deposit sweep products themselves are NOT FDIC-insured. Rather, through a bank deposit sweep product, the cash balance in an investment account custodied by Pershing LLC (“BNY Pershing”) (“Account”) is swept into deposit accounts at various participating FDIC member banks, which are all Insured Depository Institutions (IDIs). The bank deposit sweep product balance held at the IDIs is eligible for FDIC insurance coverage up to the current maximum deposit insurance amount of $250,000 per eligible depositor at each IDI, for each eligible category of ownership or capacity pursuant to FDIC regulations, including any other balances held at that IDI directly or through other intermediaries, including other broker-dealers. Bank deposit sweep products are intended to direct the cash balance in Accounts to multiple FDIC member IDIs in a manner intended to secure pass-through FDIC insurance coverage on the bank deposit sweep product balance held by each IDI, which is an FDIC member. Subject to certain exceptions, the maximum amount of FDIC deposit insurance coverage available on the total balance in most bank deposit sweep products is currently $2.5 million for each eligible category of legal ownership pursuant to FDIC regulations. Tiered rate bank deposit sweep products are also available, which have rates that vary between investors. Rates are displayed on customer statements and available through your Introducing Broker Dealer (“IBD”) or Investment Adviser. Other bank deposit sweep products specific to certain pricing arrangements selected by an IBD or Investment Adviser are also supported. Rates on the bank deposit sweep products are displayed on customer statements and available through your IBD or Investment Adviser.
Risks of FDIC Eligible Bank Deposit Sweep Products
In the event there is insufficient availability of Program Banks to fully allocate your balances, there is a potential that your balance in these bank deposit sweep products may not be fully insured up to product limit of $2,500,000 in FDIC insurance coverage. In the event the Program Banks cannot accept any additional deposits, the sweep feature on your Account may be updated to prevent any further sweep deposits from your Account. If this occurs, an available cash balance in your Account would no longer be automatically invested and would remain a free credit balance in your Account.
Important Features of Choice FDIC Eligible Bank Deposit Sweep Products Effective 02/08/21:
Secondary Sweep Option
Once your balance reaches the current Product Deposit Limit of $2,490,000, BNY Pershing, as your agent, will automatically sweep any additional free credit balance over that amount (“Excess Balance”) from your Account into the secondary sweep option selected by your IBD or your Investment Professional. If your IBD or Investment Professional has not selected a secondary sweep option on your account, any Excess Balance will be swept into a default money market mutual fund (“Money Fund”). The default Money Funds used as the secondary sweep option for most bank deposit sweep products are currently the Dreyfus Government Cash Management Service Shares (Ticker symbol DGUXX) and the Dreyfus Government Cash Management Investor Shares money fund (Ticker symbol DGVXX). Please see of this Disclosure Statement titled “Money Fund Features” for additional information on the default secondary sweep option.
Negative Interest Rates
In response to certain extraordinary economic conditions, some foreign countries have implemented a negative interest rate policy to stabilize their economies. Under such a policy, a central bank charges banks a fee to hold reserves, and, as a result, the banks then charge depositors a fee to maintain their deposits. Historically, the U.S. has not adopted policies resulting in banks having to charge fees to maintain deposits held through bank deposit sweep products. In such an event, a fee would be charged for maintaining your deposits at Program Banks through a bank deposit sweep product. This fee would be in addition to fees received from Program Banks for their participation. Any fees related to negative interest rates would be applied to your balance on a monthly basis for the duration of the negative interest rate period. If applicable, this fee will appear on your periodic Account statement.
Balances in most bank deposit sweep products are eligible for FDIC insurance coverage and therefore not protected by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (“SIPC”). Balances held by each bank participating in FDIC eligible bank deposit sweep products constitutes a direct obligation of the respective Program Bank and is not directly or indirectly an obligation of BNY Pershing, your IBD or your investment professional. An investment in a Money Fund is not insured or guaranteed by the FDIC or any other government agency but is included with SIPC coverage. Although Money Funds seek to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investment in a Money Fund.
For additional information on any Money Fund, including investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses, please consult the Money Fund's prospectus. Contact your financial organization for the Money Fund prospectus and read it carefully before investing.
The Money Market Mutual Fund and FDIC Eligible Bank Deposit Sweep Product Rates expressed herein above as "Seven-Day Yield" and "Interest Rate" are provided to BNY Pershing electronically on a daily basis by each of the above-identified participating Money Market Mutual Fund or FDIC Eligible Bank Sweep Product providers. BNY Pershing does not verify or guarantee the accuracy of this electronically transmitted rate information. With respect to Money Funds, please refer to the applicable Money Fund prospectus. With respect to FDIC Eligible Bank Sweep Product rates, please refer to the applicable Terms and Conditions disclosure document. Please consult with your financial organization, which will provide you with the necessary information for you to make an investment decision concerning your available cash pending further commitment. BNY Pershing is not responsible for any investment decision you make.
Money Fund and FDIC eligible bank deposit sweep product processing fees and revenue sharing arrangements are a source of revenue for BNY Pershing and, where applicable, a source of revenue for your IBD. For the Money Funds supported on its sweep platform that BNY Pershing makes available to all IBD clients, BNY Pershing receives remuneration paid out of the total operating expenses of the Money Fund, some of which include SEC Rule 12b-1 fees. For FDIC eligible bank deposit sweep products available to all IBD clients BNY Pershing receives remuneration out of the interest paid by IDIs. In addition, BNY Pershing receives fees for providing access to its platform from Money Fund and bank deposit sweep product providers. These fees are typically paid according to an asset-based formula. In certain circumstances, BNY Pershing shares these fees. If your IBD selects a sweep product that is available to all clients, in most cases some of the fees BNY Pershing receives from the Money Fund and bank deposit sweep product providers will be shared with your IBD. BNY Pershing relies on third party service providers to support the bank deposit sweep products available to all clients and BNY Pershing and the service providers receive fees to support those products. The combined fees on the FDIC eligible bank deposit sweep products available to all clients received by all parties including BNY Pershing, the third-party service providers, and the IBD (if applicable) may not exceed 4%, or 400 basis points, on the average daily balances held in the sweep product at the IDIs. A portion of BNY Pershing’s fees are applied against costs associated with providing services, including maintaining cash sweep systems, sub-accounting services, dividend and interest calculations and posting, accounting, reconciliation, client statement preparation and mailing, tax statement preparation and mailing, marketing and distribution-related support and other services.
Additional Revenue Sharing with Affiliates
The Dreyfus Insured Deposits products, which are FDIC eligible bank deposit sweep products supported by BNY Pershing that may be offered to you by your IBD and/or Investment Adviser, operate through a private labeling arrangement with the Dreyfus Cash Solutions, a division of BNY Mellon Securities Corporation (“BNYMSC”). The Bank of New York Mellon (“BNYM”) is a NY state-chartered bank and BNY Mellon, National Association (“BNY Mellon, N.A.”) is a national banking association. Both may participate in the Dreyfus Insured Deposits products by accepting customer funds into Deposit Accounts. BNY Pershing has appointed third party service providers and Dreyfus Cash Solutions to provide certain services with respect to the operation of these products. BNYMSC is a registered investment adviser and broker-dealer, and a subsidiary of BNY Mellon Investment Adviser, Inc. (“Adviser”). BNYMSC, the Adviser, BNYM and BNY Mellon, N.A. are BNY Mellon companies. BNY Mellon is the corporate brand for The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. It is important to note that BNY Pershing, the third-party service provider, BNYMSC, Adviser and your IBD are non-bank entities and are not FDIC members. BNY Pershing, BNY Pershing Advisor Solutions, the Adviser and BNYMSC earn fees (which may or may not be account-based) based on the amount of money in the Dreyfus Insured Deposits bank deposit sweep products. BNY Pershing and BNY Pershing Advisor Solutions may earn a higher fee on balances in any of the FDIC eligible bank deposit sweep products supported on the platform than in other money market products, such as Money Funds. BNY Pershing, in its sole discretion, may share a portion of fees it earns from the support of the Dreyfus Insured Deposits bank deposit sweep products with your IBD in which case your financial organization would earn fees on balances in these products which may be higher than fees earned on other money market products, such as Money Funds. Your IBD, BNY Pershing, BNY Pershing Advisor Solutions, the Adviser and BNYMSC may be affiliated with one or more Program Banks. BNYM and BNY Mellon, N.A., in their role as participating banks, will realize an economic benefit from any Dreyfus Insured Deposits bank deposit sweep product balances allocated to them. The Program Banks, including BNYM and BNY Mellon, N.A., do not have a duty to offer the highest rates available or rates that are comparable to Money Funds or those offered by other depository institutions. If you desire to maintain a large cash position in your Account custodied by BNY Pershing for other than a short period of time, you should contact your IBD or Investment Adviser to discuss your options.