Hong Kong
BNY in Hong Kong
In 1958, BNY opened its first Representative Office in Hong Kong. Since then, BNY's presence has grown to include the Hong Kong Branch, which has been in operation since 1984. Hong Kong is one of our Asia Pacific regional hubs with more than 200 employees.
BNY provides investment management and investment services, helping our clients meet their needs throughout multiple investment lifecycles. We also provide trustee and a full suite of securities services to support funds domiciled in Hong Kong and other jurisdictions.
Hong Kong
BNY, Hong Kong Branch*
Level 26, Three Pacific Place
1 Queen's Road East
Hong Kong
*The Bank of New York, Hong Kong Branch (a banking corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York with limited liability)
BNY Mellon Investment Management Hong Kong Limited
Level 25, Three Pacific Place
1 Queen's Road East
Hong Kong
BNY Trustee Company (Hong Kong) Limited
Level 26, Three Pacific Place
1 Queen's Road East
Hong Kong
BNY Managed Investment Limited
Level 25, Three Pacific Place
1 Queen's Road East
Hong Kong
Financial Disclosures
In accordance with The Banking (Disclosure) Rules (Cap. 155M), The Bank of New York Hong Kong Branch will make available to the public an archive of financial disclosure statements: