NAV Solutions

Prevent. Protect. Perform.

Independent oversight and back-up NAV solutions, powered by BNY and proven pControl™ technology. Designed to help you meet your obligation to deliver accurate and timely NAVs and maintain business continuity on your funds — whether they are serviced at BNY or at another provider.

Proven NAV oversight and resilience solutions to help strengthen your operating model

With NAV Solutions you can help protect investors and your firm’s reputation from the costly and time-consuming remediation of NAV errors and provider outages.

  • Designed to help improve efficiency, achieve greater transparency and oversight and enhance risk management. 
  • Be better positioned to demonstrate repeatable best practices for accountability and resilience of your operation to help mitigate risk and provide comfort to fund boards, risk committees, regulators and investors.
  • Gain the security of an oversight process completed before the NAV is released to the market and the reliability of a back-up NAV delivered by a trusted provider. 


  • Computes expected NAV based on unique pControl NAV Protect™ algorithm
  • Expected NAV to actual NAV comparison
  • Delivers and maintains a full audit trail
  • Identifies valuation exceptions for escalation:
    • Reduces need for manual collation and validation of administrator data
    • Intraday oversight prior to NAV release

Back-up NAV

  • Leverages the strength and scale of BNY
  • Dedicated back-up NAV workflow inclusive of oversight functionality, plus:
    • Additional NAV validation edits
    • Failover mode over a multi-day outage period
    • NAV delivery and dissemination upon communication of outage
    • Ownership of NAV

Benefits of NAV Solutions

Maintain business continuity and demonstrate repeatable best practices

With dedicated people, process and technology, our solutions are designed to deliver enhanced controls and more efficient NAV reviews, while maintaining back-up NAV production and dissemination across all asset classes in a single provider or multiple-provider operating model. Demonstrate repeatable best practices for accountability and resilience of your operation to mitigate risk and assure fund boards, risk committees, regulators and investors.


Established independent processes and single secure platform for cross-provider oversight and resiliency.

Scalable to any size of operation and available as a service or software offering, you have the option to allocate resources as needed to support business objectives. 


Providing intraday, evidence-based insights.

We help minimize complexity and reduce dependencies on manual approaches to NAV oversight and resilience. Delivering a full audit trail of controls performed, analysis and investigations made, you have the tools to support audit and regulator inspections.

With transparency across multi-provider models and identification of anomalies and discrepancies, you can quickly and efficiently address your NAV oversight responsibilities in a simple, consistent and repeatable manner. 



Adopting NAV Oversight

Adopting NAV Oversight and Resiliency Practices Helps Drive Significant Benefits


On the heels of recent regulatory proposals requiring oversight of certain outsourced services, NAV oversight and resilience practices are more important than ever and can deliver significant benefits to clients.

Ready to grow your business? Speak to our team.