The World of On-Demand Loan Data Reporting Reimagined
A secure online loan reporting solution that streamlines processing and delivery of client loan data through:
- Real-time cash, positions and trades
- Data visualization
- Digital agent notices
- Reconciled cash and positions
- Collateral monitoring
- Online hypotheticals
Technology-Enhanced Loan Reporting Solutions
Delivering solutions to Investors and Collateral Managers.
Our technology enhancements streamline portfolio updates by digitizing loan agent notices through the use of robotics and artificial intelligence. They offer on-demand access to real-time loan and portfolio-level detail through our client portal, LoanArc.
We are able to expedite responses to market demands. The revitalized functionalities have been designed to meet our clients’ various needs which include portfolio management, middle office, trade settlements, cash reconciliation and more.
See how we're digitizing clients' loan reporting journey to better serve their business needs.
Our Solutions
Loan Solutions
Your long-term, unbiased loan agency partner with the size, strength and sophistication to navigate loans and their challenges.
Structured Finance
Structured finance remains an essential tool for achieving these goals and requires a strong service infrastructure.