The market intelligence you need to compare your performance to the appropriate peer group.
Institutional investors and asset managers need timely information to help them make detailed performance comparisons against peers with similar investment objectives. We offer an extensive range of peer group universes to allow comparisons at multiple levels, including total fund, asset class and individual manager.
One of the premier fund-level peer comparison services available in the U.S. and Canada, our Master Trust Universes are invaluable for making comparisons of performance results for corporate defined benefit, public fund, Taft-Hartley, endowment, foundation, and healthcare operating plans.
We provide this service to institutional investors to help them identify trends in allocation and performance and provide attribution vis-à-vis peer groups. At the core of this service is a rich repository of data based on assets that we custody for clients. We normalize this data to provide market intelligence to clients so that they can have more focused conversations with stakeholders during the investments process. For more information, please explore Asset Strategy View.
These universes allow fund and plan managers to make valid, relevant performance comparisons and assist financial institutions with the marketing of their offerings.
Our Insights
Explore alternative fund structures in the U.S. and Europe. Get insights into optimal onramps, illiquid assets, and navigating retail investments.
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Discover how financial literacy education helps individuals make sound investment decisions and manage resources effectively.
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Our Solutions
Performance, Risk and Analytics
Our goal is to provide comprehensive investment risk services that monitor risk across the investment process with integrated performance solutions for comparing, evaluating and understanding the impact of investment decisions.
Hedge Fund Services
BNY provides an integrated hedge fund services solutions designed to fully manage the administrative requirements of both onshore and offshore hedge funds.