Waning Treasury demand
The crux of the problem is not in the short end of the Treasury market, where there has been plenty of demand given that rates are at some of their highest levels in years. The issue is longer-dated maturities.
U.S. commercial banks and central banks, which have made up a huge share of total demand in recent years, have shown seemingly less appetite for Treasurys of late, having been scarred by mark-to-market losses on longer-term assets. Commercial banks’ holdings of Treasurys and government agency bonds have fallen by around $650 billion since February 2022, Fed data show. ¹⁰As a result of those losses as well as regulatory and supervisory pressures and shifts in depositor activity, some experts think that when commercial banks do return to these markets they will do so with an eye toward shorter-maturity debt.
The Federal Reserve, which engages in markets for monetary policy reasons rather than investing reasons, has also been reducing its holdings. As the Treasury Department tries to replace the central bank as a buyer, it will likely look to attract more price-sensitive investors like asset managers and pension funds into its longer-dated debt sales. Those private sector buyers will therefore be absorbing the risk of their bonds being hit by rising interest rates, but they will also be able to buy Treasurys at cheaper rates because the government will have to issue at higher yields to attract them.
The biggest hole in demand has been left by the Fed. Years of stimulus after the financial crisis and again during the pandemic made the Fed a regular Treasury bond buyer and left it with a peak of $5.8 trillion of Treasurys on its balance sheet by mid-2022. ¹¹Experts say it always intended to withdraw from the market once stability returned. It is now reducing the amount of Treasurys it holds as part of its quantitative tightening program (QT) and had taken its holdings down to $4.9 trillion by early November.
QT is a double-edged sword for the U.S. Treasury. Not only is the Fed no longer buying government debt, but Treasury also needs to issue more debt to the market to replace those that are rolling off the Fed’s balance sheet as they mature. The central bank would probably need to see some weakening of the U.S. economy between now and in the first few quarters of 2024 before it pivots to rate cuts and ends QT, Fed watchers say.
A persistently strong U.S. dollar has cut into the volume of official Treasury purchases from some international central banks like China’s, as greater dollar asset inflows weaken their own currencies. Non-U.S. investors including central banks and private financial investors held only 30% of outstanding Treasurys as of the second quarter, down from about 43% a decade ago, according to the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association. “Given that global central banks have been aggressively tightening policy, domestic rates have become more attractive,” explains Bret Barker, portfolio manager at TCW Group.